Mazda Repair: removal of alternator in a 2003 mazda 6i 4cy, neg bat, mazda 6i

I have a 2003 Mazda i.  And i need to replace the alternator in it.  (Battery shows 11.9 volts when the car is running.)  First i have an extended total care warranty from Mazda 36 month or 36000 miles.  Is an alternator covered by this warranty, or is it considered a normal wear item?  

Next if its not covered, how do i remove the alternator?  

Or would it be easier to get repair manual for this car where can i get one?  

not to sure about the warranty on your car it all depends what coverage you purchased. but for the most part i'd test the alternator first. the most simply way to do so is remove the neg bat terminal well the car is running if it dies chances are it's a bad alt if it stays running look else were. you can purchase a repair manual from must automotive parts stores canadain tire is a good one and normally sell for about 25bucks well worth the price