Mazda Repair: 626 not ideling, air flow meter, air leak
QuestionMy 1989 626 with a 2.2L engine won't idle aafter the engine reaches operating temp.
It's really cold where I live right now (10-25 on average) so it takes a while for the engine to reach normal temp but once it does it won't idle. When it is first started it will idle at around 1200 - 1500 rpm. Then as it warms up a little, it idles at about 800. but when the temp reaches the 1/4 point on the gauge the car will stall if I take my foot off the gas. It seems to surg a little between 800 and 1500rpms for a second or two then dies.
I changed the O2 sensor, checked the plugs, and have run seafoam through a tank of gas. What do you suggest?
Thanks in advance.
AnswerEngine may stall at idle due to a rubber intake air duct leak between
the air flow meter and throttle body. This unmetered air leak causes
the engine to stall.
Inspect the air duct by flexing it and looking for cracks. Replace the
duct with a new one if leaks are found.