Mazda Repair: Transmission?, combination problem, time interval

Ok i have had many diagnostics done on this problem and they are
all different answers. the problem is that when i drive on the
freeway for a time interval of thirty minutes, the overdrive light
begins to flash. As soon as i get off the freeway and stop the car at
a red light and continue on the path the car makes a hard shift
when the MPH reach 25. Also if you know how to regulate the RPM
could you let me know as well because the RPM is very low when
the car is idle. meaning its as low as 500 RPM.
Thank You in advanced

Sounds to me like a combination problem.
First, the pump is not able to supply the required fluid amount to satisfy the transmission. Like a plugged filter and maybe burnt fluid. Also, varnish build ups have made the clutches and valves stick. Finally, the converter is probably not locking due to sludge build up on the contact surface.

I recommend that it have a transmission flush + filter and use an additive such as Trans-X to soften and remove the deposits. Then, diagnosis of the solenoids after which may identify that the transmission converter lock up solenoid has burned out after trying to fight the converter into locking up. The RPM is a good indication of this due to the fact that the transmission is always moving fluid despite not being in gear and is registering a load. I believe this will partly if not completely solve this problem.
Make sure the shop chosen to do the flush checks the engine and transmission mounts as a condition like this can because the early demise of the rubber mounts which will magnify the symptoms.

