Mazda Repair: hard shifting into 1 and 2nd etc., clutch pack, mazda b series

I had a friend look at the truck and he had noticed that it was leaking Transmission fluid from where the transfer case 4x4 and transmission meet.  I believe the seal must be broken, so I added a quart of transmission fluid, it seems to be shifting easier.  My question is could the lack of fluid cause the shifting problem and also how much fluid does this vehicle take and how do I know its full.  Also could internal damage have happend from the leaking?  Thanks in advance-------------------------

Followup To

Question -
I have just purchased a 1994 Mazda B4000 V6 4x4, when I start the truck and shift into 1st it seems to engage easily, however when I come to a stop and then shift into 1st it is very difficult.  I afto shift into neutral wait a few moments and then shift into 1st, it still seems hard.  The only time its the easiest to shift is at initial startup or when the engine is off completely.  The clutch is kinda hard also, and when pressed down it will go all the way to the floor. Could it be the slave, pressure plate or what?  Thanks in advance.

Answer -
All of the above + master and maybe a broken synchroniser.

Suggest you put a clutch pack in it + machine flywheel. Also install new hydraulics as they tend to go to pot in short order in the Ford Ranger / Mazda B series trucks.



Fill the fluid up until it starts drooling out of the fill hole which should be located on the side of the transmission. This is the factory way of telling if it is full or not. A probing finger can feel inside the hole to determine how close the level is to the bottom of the hole.
Be sure to use the correct oil! Most take motor oil and some manuals "Borg Warner World Class T5" use ATF!
You can find this info by calling your local NAPA who can tell you exactly what it takes.

The lack of oil could defiantly cause this problem as it will cause the synchro "bronze" swell and gall on the gears "HC Steel". Remove the inspection cover on the Bellhousing and check for oil in there as well. No oil is good, oil residue is bad!

