Mazda Repair: MX 6 1993 V6 manual shifter problem, worn clutch, hydraulic units
QuestionHi I have recently found my shifter getting harder to change from first and second etc
also had receive an answer on the AC clutch problem my question is should change is now or wait till it does not work anymore... I have change it for the new freon also
AnswerAs for the shifting problems,
I would have the hydraulics checked to ensure they are fully disengaging the clutch. If they are working properly then you will need a new clutch as the first signs of a worn clutch are difficulty in shifting into first and from first to second. The situation your symptoms describe is that ether the hydraulic unit is not fully extending and therefore not pushing in the release bearing all the way, the pin connecting the hydraulic units fork to the release bearing fork is worn and has reduced the travel of the arm, or the clutch is worn thin enough now that the surface of the springs used to engage and disengage the clutch are too low to be properly engaged by the amount of travel you have in the pedal. You can see if someone can "Adjust" the actuator rod for the clutch to get a little more out of this clutch, but barring any of the hydraulic or hardware problems I mentioned being present you will need a new clutch. This is what I would call a safety issue and you should have it resolved soon.
As for the AC
If I was doing this and my financial situation was good enough to consider it even knowing that I will need a clutch soon... I would do it at the same time as the clutch and see if they will lump it into a package deal.
You can wait, but the chances that they will be able to reuse the majority of the systems components will dwindle as you go one with it as it is.