Mazda Repair: Engien trouble with B600i, starion conquest, mitsubishi starion
QuestionI just replaced the head gasket on my friend b2600i everything seems to be connected exept for a few vacuum hoses where know one knows where they go the motor truns but does not start it is giving a spark but just will not start is this a problem with the vacuum lines or is there something i need to know about an electrical problem
AnswerDouble check the valve timing and also check the ignition timing to make sure everything is on the mark. I always assemble the 2.6L engine without the timing cover on and get the timing squared away first to make sure everything is dead on due to the complexity of the system used by Mazda "Mitsubishi Starion/Conquest engines with Mitsubishi made electronics that have a tendency to fail" Once I am sure that the mechanical connections are all good "correct firing order, timing set correctly, air meter hooked up, ignition advance set correctly, and use a book to make sure the vacuum hose routing is correct" I use a noid light to make sure the injectors are firing when it is cranking. If they are, then check the fuel pressure to make sure the pump is running. If not, then you probably have a failed ECM and need to have someone hook a scanner to it to determine if the ECM is still functioning. I hope you also took the opportunity while the engine was apart to change the oil pump as they are also one of the known issues with this engine. If you ever want to goof with this pickup, I have successfully installed the Starion engine in them before, 266HP and 245TQ makes for an exceptionally able pick up. Just make sure you get a WHOLE STARION when you do it.