Mazda Repair: 95 protege...a/c problem, vacuum test, compressor clutch

i've got a 95 mazda protege and i'm having trouble with the a/c. When i first turn on the a/c at the beginning of the day it works and blows cold for about two minutes, then it just shuts off and stops working the entire day. i have to wait 'til the next day for it to work again for about two minutes. i checked the fuses and they were good, but i was wonderin if there is one of those fuses that resets itself that i don't know about and may have gone bad...or if the actual compressor is bad. any help would be appreciated.

Sounds like you need to see a certified AC shop. They will be able to pressure test and vacuum test the system to determine the exact reason why you cannot build the proper pressure in your system for more than 2 min at a time.
A bad cycling switch or high side pressure switch may be the cause, but I would bet more on a bad compressor or failed compressor clutch.

Good luck and keep me informed on any other details that arise.

