Mazda Repair: changine coolant, mazda dealer, bleeder valves

i would like to change the coolant on my 2000 mazda protege 1.8L. once i drain the fluid, flush the system and fill it up, are there any bleeder valves that i need to know about to release any excess air in the system. if there are no valve, how does one do this. also, my vehicle came with green coolant but even the mazda dealer doesn't carry this any more. what is the best coolant to use now?

Use Peak Global Antifreeze found in any good auto parts store. I have never seen a bleed valve on Mazda Protégés and recall never needing to bleed the system. I simply remove the coolant and flush the system. Then refill with 50/50 mix and allow running until warm. Then I shut it off and let it cool. As long as the overflow reservoir is filled to the proper level it will suck coolant in as the engine cools and remove the air bubbles itself. Typically I have only had to purge the systems on vehicles with reverse flow systems and large capacity systems such as Hondas and minivans/SUVs with rear cooling and heating systems.

If you need a reference I would suggest buying a book for the car and referring to that before going any further. It is also avalable at any good parts store.

