Mazda Repair: 626 clutch adjustment, clutch adjustment, hydraulic clutch
QuestionI have a 2000 626 ES 2.5L V6 5-speed. Lately when the car is hot or I have ran the A/C, when I take the car out of gear it does not want to engage. I have to pump the clutch. The master cylinder and slave cylinder have been replaced within the last 15000 miles. The car only has 62,000 miles. I considered clutch adjustment but I am afraid that I will bend the rod trying to loosen the locking nut. I am at a loss.
AnswerHi Rick thanks for asking
unfortunatly because this is a hydraulic clutch it is not adjustable, I would be consedering a defetive part that was installed, I know these where not good for slave cylinders. Check to see if the slave is moving the clutch the whole distance, if it does then you may need a new clutch.
Good luck
Chris P