Mazda Repair: 2001 Mazda Tribute, mazda tribute, sceem


 My wife has a 2001 Mazda Tribute. Recently it has developed a problem. Some times when we start it, it starts up then stalls immediately. If we restart it and hold down the gas peddle steady for a few minutes it works out the problem and runs fine after that. It only does this some times. Other times it starts fine and runs fine. It mainly does this after sitting for awhile. I live in Alabama and lately the temperature has been 95 and above. Someone said maybe the heat is causing a vapor lock problem. What do you think about that? I thought about trying a gas treatment to see if that would help. Do they really help or are they a waste of money? The Tribute has 45,500 miles on it. Fairly low mileage. It has not been burning more gas than normal. It seems to be running fine other that the starting problem every once in a while. Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated.

Hi Eric thnanks for asking.
If the engine is cranking normally but wont start then it cant be vapour lock, i really dont believe in those fuel treatments, its al a sceem for money, fuel on its own keeps the sstem clean. unfortantly i dont think i will be much of a help with your problem. one thing i can tell you though is these Tributes are a wiring nightmare, lots of times wires will fall apart right before the PCM on the fire wall. But someone that can actually look at the car will have to check this out. Sorry!
good luck
Chris P