Mazda Repair: mustang not starting, luck chris, loose connections
QuestionOK, i have a 2000 mustang 3.8. new optima battery and alt was checked out by the local shop. the problem im having is if the car sits for more than 5 minutes when i go back to start it seems like the battery is going dead. it cranks but very slowly but always starts. i left it alone for over a week figuring if it was a battery draw it would be totally dead but to my suprise is cranked like usual slow but it did. any ideas?
AnswerHi mike thanks for asking,
there are a couple of possibilties for this problem, one could be a startor motor that is on its way out, or a battery that does not have enough cranking amps to crank that startor. But first look for loose connections on the battery and startor then have the battery and staror amp tested if the connections are good, the test will sho how many amps are being drawn on the crank.
good luck
Chris P