Mazda Repair: 1993 Mazda MPV, clutch packs, mazda mpv

I have a 1993 Mazda MPV 6 cylindar. I was leaving a rest area on the interstate and gave it a little gas to catch up with traffic, and the engine reved up louder tha normal. The van stopped pulling. It will not move in any gear now. I had no previous problems such as jerking or any problems with the transmission prior to this. What could be the problem?

Hi Joni thanks for asking,
this is a seriouse problem, there will be one of two problems here. One may be that a pressure solenoid stopped working or a gasket started leaking dropping the hydraulic pressure, the whole transmission depends on hydraulic pressure. the other possibility is that the internal clutch packs are complelty worn out in the transmission. either way a transmission profesional will have to look at this, but im sure u are going to have to get another transmission, ir rebuiltd the one you have, both mthods are fairly expense though.
Good luck
Chris P