Mazda Repair: No spark, disty, electrical plugs



Followup To
Thank you for your reply Chris,
We have not heard this engine run before as it was imported from Japan by JDM Source in Alberta and then shipped to us. We have altered Mechanical timing while engine cranking constantly checking for spark. No luck here. We have checked for codes and the ECU throws 5 short - pause - 2 short  and then repeats. The manual does not show a corresponding code to this. Do you know what this is? Thank goodness for OBD1, as unreliable as it is.
While checking input signal at the connection to the distributor, we have one port with a full 12 volts, and two at 5 volts. We think that the disty is getting power in, but not sending any out. (Possible Internal failure somewhere) We will try to source a replacement Distributor(tot57171) to test trial.
Here is another interesting point to ponder. This engine came with a blank cover were the Crank Position Sensor is to be mounted. We searched for alternate placement locations  (around flywheel etc) no other mounting spot. we installed the CPS from the 1.8 anyway.Part searches indicate the same CPS for both engines. Have you ever heard of a 2.5 engine operating without the CPS?
Thank you again,
Bob and Ben      
Question -

Hi Chris
In your response you ask if we changed the ECU. Re: 4 cly to 6 Cylinder. Both engines are V6's (1.8 & 2.5) so, no we did not change ECU's. Sorry, you my have misread the initial e mail. Either way, we also have on hand a KLZE ECU that compliments the new install. We have also been told that the existing K8 ECU would work as well. We have tryed with both ECU's and still no spark.
Bob and Ben

Followup To

Question -
Hi Chris,
My son Ben and I just changed engines in his 93 MX-3. We swapped the 1.8 V6 for a 2.5 V6. The swap was very straight forward and a direct bolt in. All electrical plugs were a match with exception of the knock sensor which required a connector change, and the 2.5 does not have a temp sensor in the filler neck. It has the one temp sensor on the block and the temp sending unit on the block, but as stated, is missing the filler neck sensor, so this is unhooked at the moment. But we have no Spark. we have checked and double checked every ground, and connector for proper fit. We have power to the distributor but nothing comming out. Questions are,
1. What causes no spark?
2. What sensors would tell the ECU not to send a spark signal to the Distributor.
We even tried a replacement distributor from a friends engine to see if the problem may be within the internal coil or ignitor. No luck here either.
Your advice would be very helpful to us,
Bob and Ben Bigelow.

Answer -
Hi Bob and Ben
I need to know this-- did you change the power train control module- that is very important that you do. the 4 cylinder and  the 6 cylinder models are have different specs and peramiters, get back to me on this and i can help you out a little more,, I just need to know if hace have replaced the PCM--(ECU)
Chris P

Answer -
Hi Ben and bob thanks for getting back, Mazda also makes a 1.8 liter 4 cylinder but anyhow you are going to have to check the ditributor on here, theses 2.5 liter engines where horrible for blowing them. Have you heard this 2.5 liter engine run before? Check mechanical timing? Check if there is any trouble codes stored in the PCM these codes always point me in the right direction when i am looking for a problem. DO you have a manual on this vehicle? if so it will give you the procedure for checking the codes, I dont remeber off the top of my head the procedure for this vehicle.
Good luck
Chris P

Hey again ben and bob
Fooling around with the distrutor isnt really gona make it give out spark, its good to try out another dist. because that may be it   ---BUT--- to the CPS.. You can have the engine run without it,,,IF it has a cam shaft positioning sensor. but then the crank sensor has more control over spark timing,, Is there any teeth on the crankshaft pully?  if there is see if there is the same amount of teeth on the new pully as there is the old pully. That is usualy the cranks reference point. iF I recall that one code # 52 is the end of the trouble code list meaning there are no stored codes,
Get back to me again
Good Luck
Chris P