Mazda Repair: MX6 factory alarm, mazda dealer, luck chris
QuestionChris, I repaired a 95 that my daughter wreck in the front end. I can't start it though because alarm won't stop and it must have ignition kill on it. Had to cut wire to siren under hood but alarm itself is stiil tripped. Any way to bypass it completely? I don't need it and would like to get car running. Thanks, Mike
AnswerHi Mike thanks for asking
If there is a SIREN on your vehicle then it must not be a factory alarm. Factory alarms use an alarming sound from the vehicles horn. But in any case to bypass this security system the module will have to be removed. The module splices directly into the ignition circuit, possible door locks and window circuits. Where ever it was installed just remove it and connect the same couloured wires back together---properly---- this module is usualy a little box mounted close to the steering colum so it is close to the ignition key wires. there may be added features for antenas, radar. those will have to be removed as well. If this is beyond your skill level I recomend you take it to a Mazda dealer or to someone that deals strictly with alarm and security systems.
Good luck
Chris P