Mazda Repair: 1994 mazda repair cost, 1994 mazda mx3, mazda mx3

I have a 1994 Mazda MX3, and a mechanic is telling me it needs a new water pump, and possibly a timing belt and alternator.  (The previous owner said she replaced the timing belt 1.5 to 2 years ago.)

Can you please give me an idea of how much each of those should cost to replace with parts and labor?  Also, are there any less expensive ways to go such as using rebuilt parts or something?  

My wife and I just bought the car as a "bumping-around-town" car and we just paid $2000 for it. Now I'm afraid it will cost a significant portion of that just to fix it.  Any advice?

Thanks very much for any help you can provide!

first go back to the mechanic and ask him to explain to in detail on why he says that you need to replace everything  that he said you needed. and the timing belt souldn't need to be replaced if it's only been 2yrs. the only reason i could see you needing a new alternator is if you were to keep buying new batteries and recharging them and they still keep dieing on you, then maybe you might need a new alternator. but have the mechanic explain everything to you detail by detail and then write back to me telling me what he said, he might be trying to get some extra money out of you and if he is then he can get fired in a heartbeat or you could even sue him