Mazda Repair: Mazda 626 2.5L Clutch, mazda 626, slave cylinder
QuestionI recently purchased a 1993 626 ES V6 5-speed. I had it for a few days, and just today, I ran into a little problem. The clutch doesn't seem to be engaging. When it's in neutral, and the clutch is out, it idles perfect, but as soon as I push in the clutch, whether in neutral or in gear, the engine bogs down to the point where it stalls. The clutch also does not come fully up when you release it. I have read around and it sounds like the master or slave cylinder may be leaking, but I hoped you could verify that right or wrong. I really appreciate any comments! Thanks in advance! -Andrew
Answer Well there are a lot of signs showing that it is the master / slave cylinder or a leak coming from the cylinder. If it was a leak though you would be able to find out easily, the cyliner is located on the firewall to the left of the fuel filter. if the fluid level is low or there is no fluid at all add the recomender brake fluid to the cylinder and watch the resivor level and how much it goes down. If there is fluid in the container or the fluid level doesnt go down a large amount then it is gona be something else, but if the fluid level does go down then check the cylinder for cracks or anything like that, also check all the lines and where the lines connect to the cylinder and other places, or it could be a faulty reales cylinder / broken release bearing or fork. Hopefully this helped you out some and if you have any more questions feel free to ask me.