Mercedes Benz repair: Mercedes c230 power windows, mercedes c230, slow moves

QUESTION: Started with right rear window roll down but not back up very slow moves 1/4" at a time. Then this same condition is with all the windows, had to remove left front door for repair after replacement and connecting wiring. the left front door had this condition, checked the connections and after that all windows are the same.

ANSWER: i would first start at rsynchronizing your windows to do this put key into position 2 and with window up hold the up button on console for about 3 seconds do it all windows ,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Tried this no change in condition. One other item the battery did go dead had to replace the battery.  

did you resynch the windows after the new battery and put in the radio code?once the battery is replaced you have to resynch the windows depending on the year.What year is your car. Anyways you would have to remove the inner door panel drivers and check to make sure you are getting voltage to your regulator, use a multimeter if you are getting voltage then chances are your switches on console are bad. just keep in mind that the main switch is the drivers that runs the others through a circuit system