Mercedes Benz repair: foult, broken spring, deferent

QUESTION: my w123 240 d 1981 car has a front right side has been very waight and going down word i change the coilspring too,but same it.

ANSWER: did you replace the struts, I do a strut repair also with a broken spring you have it off anyways

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QUESTION: everything i replace but it is as same,could you please tell me that is there deferent whaigt passenger side/driver side,or coil spring has both sides.hows the body whaight balancing the car.

so is the spring that you replaced from the same model ?? Did you replace both sides or just one side.The new one may be stretched. Put a level on your bumper.check your bushings etc specially off your control arms.On both sides.The car should be level.If you changed one side chances are you will need to change the other side also