Mercedes Benz repair: Mercedes Repair, mercedes repair, distributor cap
Question1992 Mercedes 190E 2.6
I've removed the distributor cap and rotor to access the broken Suppressor cover but don't know how to put the new one in. It won't fit over the rotor mount.
Answeras far as I would know it would be a distributor system didnt kniow there is a suppressor cover I have an 84 190e. That is odd. That they have a cap that you can replace under the rotor..Me personally I replaced my whole distributor.. was fairly easy after a little bit of aligning the cam mark but I cannot tell you waht to do> I know on the 201 there is the disributor and the housing unit is all one piece the rotor, cap then the black cover piece to line up your wires .. very odd. If you have any questions about it go to fill in a profile and ask some questions...I am panzerbenzer