Mercedes Benz repair: ML320 Mercedes Benz turn signal will not flash, mercedes benz, mb tech

The turn signal on my 2001 ML320 Mercedes Benz will not flash when I want to indicate a right hand turn. What part do I need to replace and where is it located on the car?



First off check your bulbs on the right hand side..both front and back.. If it stays on constant light on then it is a bulb problem verify with a multimeter. if not your problem is in your combination switch it is the handle that you push up or down to indicate a left or right hand turn. You will need to  pull the steering wheel, MB makes it easy to pull the wheel witha 17mm allen head, you will first need to pry off the middle area (horn) with a screwdriver . from there unbolt the steering wheel. Then you will need to take thwe lower part of the steering wheel surround out. Then you will have to lacate where the wire goes into the electrical connectors in your connectors pull it out and put the new one in. It is a real PITA to get the new one in In my experience due to space limitations but you will get it. You spring on your combination switch is probably shot.. If you have problems email me at [email protected] and put MB TECH on the email.