Mercedes Benz repair: Ignition switch wont return, spring tension, whick

I recently acquired a 1984 190e gas 2.3. The ignition switch when you turn it to the start has no spring tension to return to the original position. How do i repair it. do i have to take the dash apart. Is there a spring broken inside or something.

Greetings! And sorry for your problem. This is not an easy task. Drop the lower dash cover, Then turn your ignition to the number 1 position, Then unplug the wiring  harness. There will be three little screws that holds in the electrical part,  Whick holds  the tension on the switch. You  will need a special small straight screwdriiver or modified driver to  do  this.  It   will need to be a short straiight  screwdriver with about a inch and a half shaft on it. When you get thiis out and get your new electrical part, Turn the electrical part to  thhe number 1 pos also and  then install.     Thanks and let me know if i can help you  further. Good Luck  and  try to stay  cool  when doing this project. You have to have a good patience to perform this task.   Thanks, Rick