Mercedes Benz repair: 1997 Benz C230..Car wont start intermittently, benz c230, mercedes benz

Car has 94,450 miles. Said to have "blow-by" won't start intermittently (can start on 20th crank of key), so I am afraid to drive anywhere being stranded..then will start the next day as if nothing is wrong. Mechanic can't seem to fix it because it starts when I have him see it. Frustrating! What is wrong??

You are taking the car to mechanics that have no clue as to the way that Mercedes Benz's are designed. Who told you that you had Blow By?
The same mechanics that can't figure out what is wrong with the car now?
Have no of those so called mechanics run the vehicle for 2 hours or drive the car for 1/2 an hour them turn the vehicle off for 5 minutes and them try to restart the vehicle and see what happens
Let me know
Miami Auto Help Inc