Mercedes Benz repair: Mercedes Benz 1995 E320, mercedes dealer, programming issue

QUESTION: key won't turn in the ignition. I suppose I need a new ignition switch. How do I replace the ignition switch?. How do I remove the dash board?  Is there a way to close the window without turning on the ignition?

ANSWER:  Yes . Remove the door panel and power the window motor with a jumper and a battery. As far as replacing the ignition switch. If I were you I would leave that to a pro.
This procedure is long and detailed and the EIS Electronic Ignition switch must be programmed.
Let me know
Miami Auto Help Inc

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your quick response.
RE: the ignition switch. I doubt there is anything my husband cannot figure out when it comes to engines, motors, etc. However your answer about the switch needing to be programmed threw him a curve. We don't have a Mercedes dealer in our city. So, can you be more explicit about the programming issue?

Hi Diane sorry about the delay and sorry . The 1995 does not have an EIS. Too much work I am mentally burnt. Ok. You have an old style blade key . The blade key is the one that pops out like a switchblade . Ok  You follow me so far. Ok . Let me ask you . Had the key been getting stuck?
Let me know
Miami Auto Help Inc

Sorry about the previous info.