Mercedes Benz repair: a/c problems 94 c280, phillips screws, fuse box
QuestionQUESTION: my aux fans in front of condensor dont spin unless i pull the plug that is conected to the dryer and then the fans spin i checked the power of the plug and its very low also the compressor never switches im assuming because a lack of power all fuses and relays were checked and replaced PLEASE WHAT NEXT???
ANSWER: check freon charge. How much is in system?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: freon properly added by tech days ago and is visiable thru clear glass on dryer. when i turn the a/c on the dryer works fine freon rises and circulates but fans never turn on some times compressor turns on but stops seconds later theres a plug that connects to dryer i checked the power of it and the light barely turns on i followed the wire as its harnessed to the dash board wires seem fine can it be theres clearly an electrical issue is there a fuse im missing or even a relay for the electrical connection to the dryer or can the plug that connects to the dryer be replaced. and i dissconnected the plugs to the fan and put the a/c on and again disconnected the plug that connects to the dryer and the fans didnt work like they were before when i disconnected that plug before so the electrical problem doesnt seem to be coming from the aux fans its has to be the electrical connection or plug going to the dryer. Again its a 94 c280.. Thank you much
Answer The electrical fans come on when high pressure is too high or when the vehicle is overheating to assist the other hydraulic engine fan.
Go to the engine compartment fuse box. remove the lid. Them loose all the Phillips screws around the other lid of the fuse box. Remove the lid. You will find 2 relays with a fuse. 1 is low speed and the other is high speed. Check the fuse 15 amp at the low speed relay.
Let me know.
I doubt that that is the problem but check anyway.
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