Mercedes Benz repair: car wont start, car wont start, water instruction
QuestionQUESTION: Ralph no the infared signal doesnt work either and all doors wont unlock together only where i put the key n the front passenger door. I tried unlocking the trunk and unlocking the doors to and the car wont start. Is there a way i could deactivate the alarm system permanently
ANSWER: Ok there are fuses in the trunk. On the right hand side. Check the fuses that say. Infared and central locking and ATA which stand for Anti theft alarm system? Are they ok
Miami Auto Help Inc
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Yes fuses r ok!
Answer Ok. on the rear seat bottom section corner area. On each corner there is a red plastic /metal tab that pushes up to release the cushion. Sometimes you must push down on the cushion and at the same time push the tab up. Do this on both side. Once you have removed the cushion. you will find the central locking pump on the passenger side inside a foam cover. I will need a photo of that pump. The reason is that in that year there was a modification done and I need to see if it was done or if not you will have to do it. Check for water instruction in that area. though this pump can go out on its own. I would like to make sure of no water instruction
Let Me know.
Miami Auto Help Inc