Mercedes Benz repair: 1998 c230 caliper pin, nose pliers, auto help

How do I remove the caliper pin to replace pads?

You Must be taking about the rear pads. Use a thin punch and a small hammer. From the outside punch it in. use a needed nose pliers at the end that is coming out from the rear and pull it out. It helps to apply some downward pressure on the clip in the put back in just guide it through and the after aligning it tap it in with the a 3/8 extension and a hammer.
Note: to replace pads use a channelock pliers to pry the pad back and the a screwdriver between the pads and the rotor will set it all the way back to allow the new thicker pads to be installed.
Also remove and install one pad at a time

Best of Luck
Miami Auto Help Inc