Questionwell the sound is coming from the interior of the car. It is a soft alarm that goes off every time i turn the car on(for about two minutes). it is coming from the rear passanger side on the right hand side, just about where the gas tank is. I was told it might be the air mass meter that is not working properly. The car is handling pretty slow during a take off but once im on the freeway the car runs well. why is that?
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An alarm from the interior(not so loud by the way) of my car goes off for about a minute or two when i start the car, is that because my air flow meter is not working?
I need a few more details in order to help you with your concern.
What type of sound does it make?
Are there any warning lights on in the instrument cluster?
How does the vehicle perform? - Has it changed since the alarm started happening?
AnswerThere are a lot of different problems that could cause a sluggish take off but the alarm noise from the location you describe....I can honestly say I have never heard of that. I would recommend you refer that problem to a dealership, I don't really want to give you any advice that I am not sure on and lead you in the wrong direction. Sorry I can't help you on this one, let me know what you find out as you defintely have my curiosity peaked.