Mercedes Benz repair: guide rod seized, propane torch, shock absorber

I'm replacing my guide rod, and everything is off except the guide rod is seized in the mounting pod and I cannot turn it, although the threaded end is loose.  I do not have enough clearance to spin the whole assembly.  I've already got the control arm pushed forward, but I need to lower it a few inches.  Any ideas on the best way to do this?  I'm not sure on how to negotiate the spring/shock absorber.  Thanks.  

Warm the threaded union with a propane torch (won't hurt the metal).
When it is as warm as possible, douse it with SAE 30 oil until it is cold.
Soak a shop rag in SAE 30 oil, and wrap it around the thread union, tightly wrap the rag in Saran. ™ Cling wrap.
Allow the threaded union to soak for two or more days.
Then try again.

W126 Guide Rod Replacement

Suspension Guide Rod Replacement
on the 1985 300SD