Mercedes Benz repair: 1983 300d mercedes questions, mercedes benz 300d, benz 300d

The car is a 1983 300D mercedes, it has 200k+ miles on it and has stayed running great, with a little bit of elbow grease on my part. Last winter I had a freak occurence happen in my ac. A small rat crawled inside the blower motor, and when I turned the car on, the rat got mangled. I took the AC apart, and took out the pieces of rat. However at this point the AC makes a loud resonating vibration when I turn it on. I think the problem is that the blower fan (squirrel cage) weighting is off now, and I need a new one. However most of the places I have looked to purchase one have wanted to sell me the blower motor as well. Is it possible to purchase these parts seperately?

Also, for the last week or so my radio and right turn signal have been stubborn about working. sometimes they have power, sometimes they don't. I  checked the fuses but there doesn't seem to be anything burnt out... Is there any way for me to figure out what is wrong without taking it to the mechanics for an electrical diagnostic?


For a new squirrel cage you must buy a motor.
Your other option is to check all local salvage yards.

Electrical problems or gremlins

Vehicle 1983 Mercedes Benz 300D Turbo
Part: Heater Motor
 Note:  A/C : Heater Motor
with plastic fan
Used on models with Automatic Climate Control (ACC).     
R2031-16266 A/C Blower Motor with Fan Behr IN STOCK $482.16