Mercedes Benz repair: 1977 240D Mercedes, piston rings, mercedes benz

1977 240D Mercedes Benz.  I am going to buy this car knowing that it has a compression problem.  What can I expect for repairs if it is piston rings and if I drive it as is, what can I do to protect it until I can have a mechanic look at it.  I have heard that "Ametech Engine Restore" is excellent.

The only way to stop further damage = do NOT drive it...
No restorative chemical sludge can repair physical/mechanical damage = it will only empty your bank account.

Worst case = scored cylinders = total engine = call Noel's, a reliable source for re-manufactured Mercedes Benz long-block engines.

Email: [email protected]
or call toll free at: 800-SEE-NOEL (800-733-6635)