Mercedes Benz repair: 1992 Mercedes Benz 300E 2.6 Stalls, mercedes benz 300e, engine wiring harness

My Mercedes Benz 300E, 2.6, 125,000 miles stalls when it reaches operating temperature.  When you try to restart the engine it infrequently fires and when it does it sounds like it is backfiring through the intake manifold.  This problem originally started while the car was residing in Florida and continues now that the car resides in Vermont (the car had to be transported to Vermont).  The engine starts and runs great when cold.  The engine and vehicle have received all service, oil and filters per Mercedes schedule since I purchased it new in 1992.  The engine will not restart until it cools to an ambinent temperature (about 1 hour).

The Mercedes dealer has replaced the air speed controller and the idle valve with not resolve of the problem.  

Best guess:

MB Engine Wiring Harness Failure

Other possible issues:

1987 300e, Stalls when Hot

300E stalling right after starting, then will start right up again

Finally! Stalls with Tester Hooked Up! But What Does It Mean?

Benzmac, M.B. Doc or Stevebfl, can you help?