QuestionI replaced the Power Steering Gear Box and after hooking everything back up and putting Power Steering Fluid in the resevoir....the steering is very hard - like no power steering at all. I assume that the lines need to be bleed (or as some point they will self-bleed? Any suggestions on if air in the lines is the problem. I did start and turn the wheel - lock-to-lock several times -but it is still stiff. The old gear box was leaking - however, you couldn't tell there was a problem.
Thanks in advance.
The car is a 1998 Mercedes S600.
AnswerNote: wrong fluid will wreck the pump.
Support the front end from engine cross member.
Turn the wheel - lock-to-lock thirty times, checking fluid level every five cycles.
Leave it in the air.
Start the engine, turn the wheel - lock-to-lock thirty times, checking fluid level every three cycles.
If this all fails, there are only two possible answers:
#1. The hoses are reversed on gearbox.
#2. The pump has failed.