Questionhave a 1980 300cd converted to run off of veggie oil - recent probs with vacuum lines fixed at a shop - have found that the fuel filters have been clogging very quickly, probably due to bad oil - recently had to change both the car filter and the conversion-added filter due to sludge etc in the oil - now everything is new, new filters all around, and cannot get it to start - does not want to get fuelk from tank apparently - is there a filter in the tank or something else that i should know wbout to change/clean? i am going back to straight diesel as this system has been nothing but headaches but I cannot even start my car to get it out of the garage - almost turns over but not quite - how do i check the fuel supply, what do i check, what do i replace - help! tom- 602-367-3865
AnswerMB diesel filtration, how it works.
I'm baffled and at wit's end!?!?!?!?!
Algae/Fungus fixation...
Check out this fuel pickup screen
Biobor, what is it, why do I need it?
Filters, Fungus, Biocide, etc.
Algae Clogged Filter Pic StarTron WORKS !
Biodiesel and WVO - SVO links thread.