Mercedes Benz repair: 1984 mb 300d turbo diesel, engine cooling system, fuse box

have had numerous cooling system failures- fuse box was replaced,control panel on dashboard was replaced,vacuum pump has been replaced.current problem is the a/c is not getting cold.------------------------
Followup To
Question -
have had ongoing problems with the air conditioning system on this car.would like to keep the car-has 215k miles.can the a/c and control {wiring/control panel] system be replaced?have had vacuum pump replaced/ but cooling problems seem to reoccur.also the dashboard control panel has been replaced as well.
Answer -
When you refer to cooling problems, do you mean:
* A/C not getting cold?
* Engine cooling system failure?

Here is a good starting point.

Pictorial on how to fix your A/C system to get 38 degrees at the vent!

Increasing Air Conditioner Reserve Capacity ?