Mercedes Benz repair: Ignition question re 1984 SD, injector lines, glowplugs

Hi...1984 MB SD, 170k, been running very well.  Now, starting is difficult.  After allowing glowplugs to heat, the car cranks for several minutes, finally starting (sometimes needing a battery booster), and there is much smoke and belching.  This is fairly new.  Cars been running very well.  After it has started for the day, it starts easily.  It only does this when cold or overnight.
Thanks much!  

This is common.
I have the same issue since yesterday.
Here is the answer:
The glow plug light comes on normal, as long as number one glow plug functions = all the other glow plugs can be dead, but you will not know until the temperature drops, and it does not want to start.
FYI: each glow plug reaches roughly 2172 degrees Fahrenheit for proper cold starting.
I went out last night and picked up a new set = roughly $50.00 USD, and worth every cent.
I remove the injector lines to make it easier to replace the glow plugs.
All you need for the glow plugs is an eight and thirteen millimeter wrench.
Do NOT over tighten the glow plug or the eight millimeter nut, the nut only needs to be gently snug, and they break easy.
Total time to R&R all five is under two hours with the lines in place and a novice doing the job on a cold engine.