Mercedes Benz repair: s320 wont start, neutral safety switch, fuse box
QuestionHi mike, 1995 s320 all the gagues ,windows every thing works. I got under the car and it sounds like the starter is giving 1 click when you try to start and the recutangular box behind the fuse box makes noise,but it is more than likley tha is supose to.fuse was blown but I replased it and still nothing ,I tryed every combo with the lock and unlock the door swith IR and without IR all doors and trunk and everything is good but wont start. Oh got a new batt to. thank you Patrick
Answeri dont know what to tell ya, itskinda hard to diagnose and no start with limited amounts of info, i guess you could take off the starter and get that tested, but i have never replaced one on that engine, ohh try outting the car in neutral, try starting in reverse, try starting, or drive and try starting, im thinking neutral safety switch