Mercedes Benz repair: #4 cylinder missing, mb 190e, owner id
QuestionI know that you're not specialized in my model of mb (201-I believe) but this may be covered in general knowledge. The vehicle is a 1988 mb 190e 2.3. My #4 cylinder is missing. I replaced the spark plugs & wires and checked the cap & rotor (which looked fine). It continues to miss. What I did next is add fuel system cleaner thinking it may be a clogged injector. That didn't work. I am a very self-reliant person and don't want to pay a lot of money to have a professional diagnose what may be a very simple fix that I am overlooking. No offense to you because I know that's how you bring home the bacon. So, if you could please give me some pointers I would very much appreciate it. I live for my mb. It is pretty much all i have. I'm the type of person that would rather customize and clean my car than spend time with my girlfriend. So, please please help me. I can't stand to have my car running like poo. Thank you for your time and advise.
Jake Bronson - Devoted MB owner
Answerid like to know how many miles you have on this engine, it could be all types of things, first i want you to check compression in that cylinder, second you may have old steel injectors that were big problem children on all old motors
let me know how that works