Mercedes Benz repair: 1986 Mercedes-Benz 300E 6-Cyl., mercedes benz 300e, fuel pressure regulator

I hope someone can really help me out with this expensive problem. My car's economy guage is reading all the way to the red, which indicates that it is using way too much gas. I just changed out the fuel distributor last night, and still it reads to the red, smells like gas, and now won't even turn on unless I push down on the throttle air passage hole (brass circular platform, opens and closes the air passage) and give it a little bit of gas. I turned the oil cap and opened the valve cover to smell any burning oil or gas, it smells like gas, not even like oil. It is burning too much gas. I have no idea what to think or do next. Might it be the Fuel Regulator? Fuel Sending Unit? Or do I need a new engine? The car was working fine (it smoked a little from sitting a long time on the driveway) and never did this. This happened from one day to the other, and I have had it with the car and the awful gasoline smell. Please email me back at [email protected]. I will greatly appreciate any angel of God who can give me a solution to this problem. Thanx!

There are several possible issues.
#1. Bad = weak ignition coil.
#2. Bad fuel pressure regulator.
#3. Catlytic converter plugged.
A combination of all three is possible.

There are more possible, but those are my top three.

Best advice:
Take it to the dealer.
You are looking at serious money for parts.
A misdiagnosis will only add to the repair cost.