Mercedes Benz repair: car quit on the road seems do not get diesel to the engine, merceds benz, electric fuel
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Question -
check all fuel lines and change filter still not getting fuel to pthe pump what should i do nex?
it a 1982 merceds benz 300 sd
Answer -
Crack a line on the injection pump and turn the motor over and see if fuel is coming from the pump.
yes, but until of craack a line i got a injector top screw loose fron the head and turn engine and got air out , keep prime and after air is out i got the car running,priming is need to be done to get air out of lines .
AnswerCrack the first line to number one cylinder to get the air out. The injection pump must be bad if you are not getting any fuel. I cannot remember if that car has an auxillary electric fuel to get fuel to the injection pump. Look back buy the fuel tank and look for the pump. You should be able to hear it go on when you turn the key on.