Follow upTo: Are there any key indicators for improperly working electric fan? run frequency, time interval before fan starts or if temperature regulated-what is estimated temp, is their a fan relay- and location if so.
Thanks once again!
Question - I own a 1988 300e. I replaced the compressor, condenser, expansion value. I have very great
cooling while I'm driving but when I stop moving it also appears too also. Any suggestions, Please!
Answer -
sometimes the car gets too warm when you are idling. The condesor sits in front of the radiator and gets very hot, if there is no air circulating the AC will start to blow warm air. Is the electric fan working properly?
AnswerThe proper operating temp is 180 degrees. The fan should go on before that temp to cool the motor. It will also run after the car is shut down to continue the cooling process untill the engine temp drops below the 180 degreee mark. I do not know where the relay is for the fan, but it should be fairly easy to find. Just trace the wiring back from the fan.