MG Car Repair: Transmission clearance

MG Car Repair: Transmission clearance
Hi Barrie, I'm rebuilding my MGTD tranny with the help of your dvd,using Moss's catalog for reference, I have about a 1/8th inch space between part # 101 (sliding hub,1st& 2nd) and part #61(circlip). Is there a specific clearance that should be there?

Hi Joseph.  

There is no recommended clearance for this gap and there is no provision for adjustment.  

I have rebuilt a few gearboxes with up to 2mm of play and they are now in regular use without any problems.  I did once overhaul a box with 3mm of play and it worried me, so I decided to fit a spacer washer between the gear and the circlip to close the gap to the clearance recommended for the MGA gearbox (.004" - .006").  The result was a very noisy gearbox, so I quickly removed the spacer and the problem went away.  

If you are worried, fit a spacer washer, but I would not recommend that you close the gap below 1mm (.040").