MG Car Repair: 72 MGB headlight wiring, low beams, direction indicator

Hi, I have a butchered front harness and need to know what wires work the headlamps and possibly tell me the connections. Thank-you.

Hi Bob:

In the wiring you find each wire with a color and a "tracer" color along the wire which identifies what it control/hooks up to. First color is the main color, second is the tracer color. In the case of your headlights:

headlamps - plain black is always to ground. You should have a blue/white and a blue/red wire to each light.  one is for the low beams and the other for high beam. They wind their way back to the High/Low switch, h/L flasher, direction indicator switch on the steering column.

If you have a owner's manual it should have a wiring diagram in it for your 72 B. Other maint books also have the diagrams. Trying to sort out wiring without a wiring diagram is a sure way to madness!  maybe a search on the internet will draw one up as well.  Good luck!
