what goes where
QUESTION: i have vaccuum unit hose coming off of the distributor that goes nowhere. i think it might supposed to go to the top of my carborator (zenith strom). however, the port on the top of the carb has a tube that goes to the ERG (or what i think is called the ERG). also, there is a port on the bottom of the carb that has nothing attached. can you tell me where the one coming off the distrib vacuum unit goes. also, what is supposed to go to the top of the ERG and what should be attached to the bottom port on carb. all pics hopefully will explain.
ANSWER: Hi Cherie
The vacuum tube connects the bottom of the Stromberg carburetter to the distributor vacuum unit. The thing you call the ERG is the EGR valve (Exhaust Gas Recirculation).
This diagram should help you to work out where everything goes:
Look down the page to the part numbers and you will see that some parts have links to further information.
I hope this helps.
The Stromberg was only fitted to USA cars so I do not have much experience of them here in the UK.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: thank you for your expertise.
one follow up.
what if the vacuum tube line does not reach the carb from the distributor vaccum unit? i couldn't find that part on moss website. are there different lengths?
also, my car is a 1979 MG Midget.
AnswerHi Cherie
I didn't know you had a 79 Midget.
That was a strange car with basically a Triumph Spitfire engine, not an MG unit.
Here is the carb diagram:
and here is the diagram of the emissions equipment:
Moss sell plastic vacuum pipe under part # 163-655 @ $1.20 per foot.