QuestionQUESTION: I am having loads of problems with the rear brakes sticking and for ever taking them off to clean where on eath can I get the spring coil retention springs from so as to replace as new
ANSWER: Hi Peter
Try Rimmer Bros.
If they can't help you, get back to me.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi Barrie thanks for the info Seems that no matter where I try I have probs getting the pair at the same place bit of of a pain realy as they only cost about a fiver each Any way will keep trying until then hope the elastic band holds Happy New Year to you Regards Pete
AnswerHi Peter.
So long as you know the MG/Rover part number there should be no problem getting these parts. A company called XPart is committed to supplying parts for all MG/Rover group cars made since around 1995. There are several XPart garages in Greater London. Follow this link and enter your postcode to find your nearest supplier:,,.aspx
Personally, I have also found that Brown & Gammons (an MG specialist in Baldock, Herts) has an excellent postal spares service for the MGF and MGTF. Phone 01462 490049.
There is also the MGF Centre in Wolverhampton on 01902 453100.
If all else fails, there is a good MG breakers yard run by Andy Jennings in Wickham near Southampton. He has broken MGBs for many years and has recently started to break MGFs.
Happy New Year