MG Car Repair: MGB Fasteners, unf thread, phillips driver

QUESTION: Is there any detailed information about fasteners, where used and / or descriptions such that I can locate them and install them properly after I disaasembeled the car over several years. The Moss catalogs in the states don't off details of thread sizes or bolt length so that I could choose the proper ones from a pile of hardware. Example, door fittings and quartelight bolts. Can you advise best strategy and approach?

ANSWER: Hi Walter.  This is an incredibly complicated subject.  I have a factory parts manual for the MGB, but it does not show which fasteners to use for each component.

I do have 40 years of experience dealing with MGBs so I usually know which fasteners I need.  If you can send me a list of components I can tell you which ones you need for each hole.  

Apart from the engine and gearbox, just about every fastener has a UNF thread.  Most are 1/4 UNF but a few are smaller 3/16 UNF and a few are larger 5/16 UNF.  ANF is virtually identical.   There are a few tiny screws which are 2BA.  You will need AF spanners (wrenches) size 3/8 7/16 1/2 and 9/16.  Do not be tempted to use metric spanners, they will damage the heads.  

There are a few `special' bolts.  For example, those holding the quarterlights have a very tall head so that you can reach them through the holes in the front face of the door.

I strongly advise you to obtain the correct screwdrivers.  The cross-head screws and bolts are Pozidrive not Philips.  You need Pozidrive numbers 1,2,3 and possibly 4.  If you use the wrong size or if you use a Phillips driver you will damage the hole in the bolt and you will not be able to tighten it fully.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Sorry I didn't respond sooner. However, I am in process of documenting all fasteners that I remove. Your answer is most excellent, but if I were to buy bulk lengths of the above UNF fasteners, could you recommend quantity and length of each? Also head type? It would be nice to purchase a screw kit in bulk that perhaps covers 80-90% of the likely replacements. A reasonable estimate would be great. Pozidriv heads are diffucult to obtain here in US. If I order from England, I'd like to do this once and get pretty close and then substitute with locally obtained fasteners. I'm working on 2 cars. Perhaps you can't recommend one source, but perhaps several to avoid conflict of interest at your discretion.

Hi Walter

Just about every nut, bolt and washer that you are likely to need is listed on page 125 of the (free) MGB catalogue available from Moss Motors in the USA.  Your biggest problem will be cross-referencing everything.  Also, their prices will be high because they are sold individually.  I would contact them and ask for a bulk deal.  

You could also try Namrick in the UK.  They sell mixed packets that could be very useful to you.

Try this link:

Apart from that, I can only repeat my offer.  If you send me a list of fasteners I am willing to provide a suggestion for each one of them.  If you want to do that, it would probably be easier if we communicate outside of Allexperts.  Just send me a PRIVATE question with your e-mail address and I will get back to you.