QuestionThe car stopped after running low on fuel about 10 months ago.
I fitted a fuel filter, checked the pump (clean), renewed all flexible pipe, cleaned carbs, jets etc.
It starts momentarily then cuts out as if short of fuel. Once it ran till almost warm, but now won't.
I have also renewed the contact breaker and checked the ignition. All plus spark.
What have I missed please? Do I need a new tank?
AnswerHi Ralph. I very much doubt that you need a new tank. You just have a partial blockage somewhere.
Before you buy anything, there is a filter that you may have missed and a test that you can do.
Inside the fuel pump there are two valves. They are only accessible by undoing the 6 screws that hold the base of the pump on. One of these valves usually has a fine mesh brass filter. It is probably clogged.
Next, I would do a flow test. Get an empty jamjar. Pull the fuel line from the carbs and put the end into the jar and turn the ignition on. How long does it take to fill the jamjar? You need a flow of 10 gallons per hour. That is a gallon in 6 minutes, so a jamjar should fill in under 30 seconds.