QuestionQUESTION: I don't have brake lights,turn signals,backup lights,and the horn doesn't work. All the instruments did work but after I drove the car the tack,temp,heater fan,and wipers quit working. The fuse block doesn't seem to be very good, I didn't have park and Clarence lights but I wiggled some of the wires on the fuse block and now the they work.I have never worked on wiring before and I am quit lost. I have been looking for a easy to understand wiring diagram but as of yet I have not found one. I would appreciate any help you can give me. Thank you
Your best plan of action at this point is to take some tape and mark each wire on the fuse box where it is placed and which way the box is mounted and remove the fuse box and start cleaning it with sand paper. Clean all of the clips that hold each fuse and clean all the terminals that the wires were plugged on to. Bend the fuse contacts close together so they clamp the fuses tight and then sand the fuses themselves.
All of the older British cars suffered from bad contacts at the fuse box. After you do that, if anything don't work pick only ONE circuit to trace. Start at the load (item that don't work) with a 12v test light and follow the wiring diagram one connection at a time headed toward the source (power supply). This method of diagnoses never fails. When several items fail this method often repairs all other faults. However, you must only trace one circuit. If you have several circuits failed, try to pick the easiest first.
Never try to diagnose by symptoms, only by testing.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you Howard for your quick response to my question. Do you know where I can get a easy to understand wiring diagram for my car online? I think it would make it easier to trace the circuits and help my determent which circuit goes to what (one at a time). Once again thank you for your help.
AnswerI don't know of anyone who made the "Easy to Read" diagrams for the MGs like Jaguar and VW did. But I do have diagrams on my web site for the MGs, Triumphs and Jaguars. Go to, for the diagram and change the end to MGB21x1.jpg for the index to the diagram.