starter relay
QUESTION: Ok so I've typed in starter relay in google and here is what I have. attached is a picture, showing all the wires and connections, and you tell me if it is right. Do you know if there is a neutral/park, or a clutch/brake safety switch? Thank you so much.
ANSWER: Hi Clint,
No, there are no safety switches on the 72 MG. The diagram shows two small connectors but the 72 Midget only had one small terminal which took the White w/red tracer wire. If you have two small terminals then it is probably a aftermarket replacement solenoid and you need to test each of the small terminals to see which is the "Start" terminal by just scratching it with a hot wire to see if it energies the solenoid or not. On some of the aftermarket solenoids that did use two terminals one was smaller than the other and the "Start" terminal was the larger one of the two.
When the two terminal solenoid was used on other cars the extra terminal was a by-pass of a ignition resistor. Your car should not have that.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I just tested the electrical from the battery to the solenoid. It was good. Then I tested from the solenoid to the starter, when I try to crank it, it was good too. Then I tested to the Lucas coil when I cranked it was good. Then I tested to the distributor by taking off the plug on the end of the distributor cap running from the coils, that too was good when I cranked it over. I got curious and pulled off one of the spark plug wires and tried that while trying to start it, but it didn't do anything. So the electrical is flowing to the right places, but it still wont crank over. Now my question is this, my brother in law was talking about manually turning the crankshaft a little, maybe to free it up? I can't say the last time it was started. Could it possibly be that that is just too much of a load for the starter to turn? Please write back what you think, and thank you so much for all your help. I'm sorry if I seem a nuisance.
AnswerClint, First we need to get the terminology so I know what you are talking about. Even though the starter solenoid acts like a "Relay" it is never called a "Relay". It is called a "Starter Solenoid" You said you (tested it) how did you test it?
Do the following in the order I list.
1. Check the battery voltage with a volt meter (post to post not cable ends) (should be 12.5+ volts)
2. Gear shift in neutral, touch a "Hot Wire" jumper wire to the "Small" lead on the solenoid. It should start spinning the crankshaft.
3. Read the voltmeter when you have the jumper wire on the small terminal. Tell me what reading you get.
4. Tell me if the crankshaft started turning.
5. Forget the "Coil" not "Coils" (you only have one) You are not that far yet.