QuestionQUESTION: Hi Barry,
I own a 1968 MGB with the HS4 carburetors, and I am confused as to how the choke cable should be placed. When you look at the diagrams in the Moss/Victoria British catalogs it looks like the cable pulls the trunnion down towards the ground; the nonfunctional (difficult/impossible to pull out) cable in my car would appear to pull the trunnion straight up. I am able to manually pull up on the trunnion/cable, and the choke assembly appears to pull up as (I think) it's supposed to.
Fortunately with a rebuilt engine the car is able to start without the choke, at this point.
Thank you in advance for any and all information!
ANSWER: Hi Dan. My answer depends on which mechanism you have on your carburetters. The design changed around 1967-68. Could you look at the following diagram and tell me the part number for the bar that joins the carbs together. Is it #24 in this diagram?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Choke cable insertion
QUESTION: Hi Barrie,
thank you for the prompt response.
Wow, looking at that diagram I really do not see many familiar parts, but some I certainly recognize. I have attached a picture; if you need more please let me know!
These two Moss links illustrate best what I am looking at.
Again, thank you in advance for any and all information!
AnswerHi Dan. I think you are missing a bracket, part #40 in the diagram 28987 that you referenced in your previous communication. This bracket clamps the end of the inner cable, so when you operate the choke, the abutment (part #42) is lifted vertically upwards by the outer cable, rotating the shaft that operates the choke mechanism. As the shaft rotates, it lowers the jets of both carbs, producing a rich mixture. Sorry that I don't have a photo I could send to you.