MG Car Repair: 1975 MGB Wont Start or even turn over, starter solenoid, tracer wire


Have a 1975 MGB that I have driven 5-10 times a month for the past 2 years...most recently every day each of the last two weeks and I have never had a problem starting the car.  Today, I went to drive to work and nothing when I turned the clicking, no nothing.  I have checked the battery and it has a charge,  even tried jumping it to see if it was just low...nothing, no clicking or anything.  I no less about cars than I do about women, but there seem to be more experts on cars so I'm willing to learn.  Can you point in a direction to start?



Hi John,
You need a wiring diagram and an 12v test light to do any electrical work. Go to the starter relay on the inner right front fender and test for a power supply (brown wire) and check the ground (black wire) and check to see that there is power on the (Yellow w/Pink tracer) wire when the key is in the "Start" position. Then the (White w/brown tracer) wire out to the starter solenoid if the relay is working.

If all that is ok you need to test the (White w/brown) wire at the solenoid to see that the power reached the solenoid when the key was in the start position. Then check to see that the large battery cable on the solenoid is hot and that the engine has a good ground.